Employment Opportunities for the Persons With Disability
The persons with disabilities might have some impairments, but they have capabilities. The Indian Organizations encourage to strengthen them of their endeavors.
A person might have certain disabilities, but the challenge is utilizing their skills and proving their worth in their chosen fields. “Disability is a matter of perception”, said Martina Navratilova. She had further said, “If you can do just one thing well, you’re needed by someone”.
As stated by the World Bank, 15% of the world’s population suffers from certain disabilities. They could have hearing loss, speaking disabilities, visual and mental illness, or lack locomotor skills. Due to these illnesses or problems, they differ from the others and in many cases cost them the necessary opportunities for growing in life. Although financial strength is vital yet it is a backdrop to most. In several fields, their disabilities are cited for rejecting them from the job.
Indian Organizations Working for the Betterment of the Persons with Disabilities in India
With the help of Indian Organizations, persons with disabilities are now being recruited. Indeed it is a blessing, that the Indian Organizations have come forward for persons with disabilities to empower them. Thanks to their efforts, these people could shake off their backdrops, come to the forefront, and prove their expertise. Being employed gives them a sense of financial freedom, and even they develop a feeling they are no longer dependent on their family members. At the end of the day, the new life allows them to be genuinely happy.
To fulfill their aim, the Indian Organizations have taken certain opportunities to impart education and technical training, to enhance their soft and hard skills so they are confident when they get the job opportunities. No doubt, the Indian Organizations are doing a great service to society.
There have been instances when persons with disabilities have been employed at the hotels, where they conveniently work to prove their productivity. Either they fill the glasses, lay the tables, and did little serving with full diligence.
With the persons with disabilities getting the employment opportunities have proved extremely effective and its supporting reasons are —
1. Considering the available options is essential and the first step is communication. The Indian Organizations train provide a perspective to the persons with disabilities to develop the abilities.
2. Regardless of their disabilities, they are not without talents. The Indian Organizations harness this talent pool other than neglecting it, and it helped many industries to benefit from their skills.
3. The government allows tax incentives to the companies where persons with disabilities have been employed by utilizing the assisted and adaptive technology. So, it is a good chance for the companies to earn financial benefits and government recognition.
4. Training the disabled people to give a better opportunity to the company owners to highlight they have trained them and now they are well-performing with their duties. Ultimately, it has been seen that they proved to be loyal to their newfound life.
Owing to the efforts of the Indian Organizations, now the big companies are providing PWD employment to employed people with disabilities. The companies’ inclusiveness nature helps in providing a complete upliftment for the people that eventually gives them employment.
The Act “People With Disabilities” has been passed for the betterment of the employment rate of disabled people. So, in the public sector, now the allocation is 4%. Nevertheless, now thanks to the efforts of the Indian Organizations, that the companies are now aware and are coming forward in working together with the people with special needs and widely accept them as a part of their community.